I love eating food, all kinds of it, in copious amounts. And I love talking about food, with friends, family, random people I meet while eating. I also enjoy cooking food, though I must say, my skills are obviously sub-par...but I'm improving :)
My motivation for starting this blog has two parts. First, friends often ask me about good places to eat since I've visited and eaten at many places around the country and world; now I can direct them here instead of trying to give a recommendation for a place I barely remember. Second, I hate writing things down pen-and-paper style, so this will be my own way of keeping track of places I've loved (and hated) as well as recipes I've tried or want to try sometime.
I've started reading some other food blogs, many of which are really entertaining and helpful, for my own pleasure and to get some ideas about how to structure my own. The one's I've liked the most are creative, professional, and still fun, offering exotic recipes and reviews of posh restaurants along with basic tips and ideas. My style is a little more casual and commonplace--I typically like really good stuff that's also quick, simple, easy, and cheap. As a poor measly student, I don't have as much time or money as I would like, but an occasional splurge is always in order :) Read on for my personal take on food!