yogen früz (wikipedia article) has captured 80% of the frozen yogurt market in Canada and currently operates in many other countries around the world, including Greece, China, El Salvador, and the Dominican Republic. But it only recently entered the U.S. market (probably why I had never heard of it before). New franchises were launched in Florida, California, and Illinois (random?) first, and Virginia and Washington, D.C. are next.
I didn't have time to stop by the store in the mall, but I'm excited to try yogen früz sometime soon--sounds like a great brand from its website and reviews.
Here's an interesting interview Businessweek did with one of the company's founders about their plans for expansion in the U.S: Can Yogen Fruz Gain a U.S. Following? (According to this article, Chicago was their first step into the U.S.)
I also found this fun blog while googling yogen früz: The Midwestern Frozen Yogurt Blog
Watch out PinkBerry and Berryline, yogen früz is here! (Just kidding Berryline, you will always have my heart :D )