hate like dislike love hate love Starbucks.

We have a love/hate relationship...I hate it for being so commercial, expensive, elitist, and unhealthy...and I will criticize its sucky
business practices as much as any Starbucks-hater. But somehow I still can never resist a tall Caramel Apple Spice or Chai Latte for more than 5 seconds...the drinks are just too tasty, especially the holiday specials. I know they're loaded with calories, and I'm supporting a "corrupt" business by drinking them, but come on, I'm only human. And I know you do it too :P
Even when I don't get coffee from Starbucks (just Izze and madeleines on Newbury St. today), just being in the store makes me happy. Something about the brand and atmosphere of the stores makes me feel like my day has been improved just by including Starbucks in my schedule, however minimally. Of course, this only means that Starbucks' evil scheme to take over the world is working...