Most of the time, dining hall food disappoints, disgusts, and/or depresses me. But the one or two times we've had popcorn shrimp and cornbread, I've gotten MAD EXCITED. Not that it's especially well-prepared or anything (it's hard to mess up popcorn shrimp and cornbread), I just really like comfort food, especially reminders of home. I remember "Little House on the Prairie" days in elementary school when our whole class would dress up like pioneers living on the prairie and cook cornbread and baked beans, mmmm. I never had popcorn shrimp before coming to school...but it just feels like good ol' fashioned home-cooking to me. And that's enough to make me walk out of Lev dhall (3 plates of shrimp and cornbread later) with a satisfied smile, for once :)
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Popcorn shrimp + cornbread = love
Most of the time, dining hall food disappoints, disgusts, and/or depresses me. But the one or two times we've had popcorn shrimp and cornbread, I've gotten MAD EXCITED. Not that it's especially well-prepared or anything (it's hard to mess up popcorn shrimp and cornbread), I just really like comfort food, especially reminders of home. I remember "Little House on the Prairie" days in elementary school when our whole class would dress up like pioneers living on the prairie and cook cornbread and baked beans, mmmm. I never had popcorn shrimp before coming to school...but it just feels like good ol' fashioned home-cooking to me. And that's enough to make me walk out of Lev dhall (3 plates of shrimp and cornbread later) with a satisfied smile, for once :)